Murky pond water- Knowing the reasons

 This is a natural phenomenon for the murky pond water to happen. And if you are looking for the cause of it, then you might also consider the actual reason why you want to have the pond, which has clear water. You will have to remember that lucidity of the pond water does not really determine the water system's health. Most of the pond owners aim for the much clearer pond because they want to see the fish as they swim in the water.

Why does it happen?

Murkiness of water bodies can simply fall into various cases. One of the very first reasons of Murky pond water is the pond’s bottom can be seen although not really clear enough to witness the things happening in it. Also, there is another case wherein pond’s bottom cannot be seen due to the dirt of the water. Technically, there are plenty of advantages a pond can get from misty water.

Though, lots of pond keeps have the issue with Murky pond water but it can cause due to various reasons. Now the point is that nobody wants to live with the murky water and that is why; they think of choosing the right solution for it. From using filters to various equipments, everything should be known by the pond keepers.

The presence of nitrite and ammonia also results in cloudy pond water. Only to ensure that your pond is not very muddy, one should test the nitrite and ammonia contamination. This will be really good.

Important factors to consider

If the pond is already in existence for a very long time, then algae are the ones that cause the pond water to be murky. Too much suspended algae are considered for green water that falls to the category of murky water. Murky pond water should be cleared immediately.

 In this case, one of the most brilliant and effective ways for avoiding the pea soup pond water is to install Ultra Violet Clarifiers or Ultra violet sanitizers. These pond equipments are responsible for exposing suspended algae to the excessive amount of ultraviolet light.


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